New Krystal Sailing website by VeloGroup
I am really excited to welcome VeloGroup onboard the sailing journey with Krystal Sailing.
Big thank you for their support & for making my amazing new website! Summer is on its way & it’s fantastic to be able to keep everyone informed!
Read below for more info on VeloGroup…
Services Provided
While many companies have no problem hiring general IT consultants, they struggle to find staff with specific skills in the financial services industry.
We expand our clients’ internal skills base through the supply of top-quality IT consultants. Our consultants have specific skill sets in the financial services industry and can complement existing teams when extra capacity is needed, such as assisting in the delivery of specific projects.
Working closely with our clients in this way enables VeloGroup to better understand their business needs, such as the timing of new product rollouts. In effect, we become an extension of their internal IT team.
In addition to staff placement, VeloGroup offers a range of IT development services that cover a wide range of technologies:
- Development environments including Java including J2EE and Swing; Microsoft .NET and Visual Basic; Perl; PHP; HTML5 and XML
- Database systems including Oracle, Sybase, MS-SQL Server, DB2, MySQL
- Messaging and Financial services systems such as IBM MQ Series and the SWIFT network
We also provide a full range of project management, testing, software development lifecycle and technical helpdesk services. These services assist our clients with new product development, delivering existing projects and recruiting exceptional staff with specialised skills to supplement their IT teams.
Our exclusive focus on global financial markets gives us an exceptional breadth of coverage and depth of knowledge that translates into lasting value for customers. Our concentrated industry experience allows us to achieve maximum benefit and value with minimum disruption, time and risk.
VeloGroup’s team of experienced consultants means that no matter how large or small your project, we can scale our operations to meet your needs.